Tuesday, February 10, 2009

5 4 3 2 1 on The Demon In The Freezer #7,8

- Smallpox seem so dangerous. Even though it is called small pox. But it is dangerous
- Obviously he caught some smallpox when he is in Pakistan
- So if the 2 girl on the trip left Peter Los and his friend. It is all guys on the trip.
- Even though he don't accept the religion, he should at least listen to the priest.
- He shouldn't listen to the priest at all, if the priest went in his room, he would have been affected too

4 Questions 
- Is it ok for him to smoke when he is sick?
- Did he ever become a electrician?
- What was the reason again that they went on a search for Guru?
- Is there a cure for small pox?

3 Vocabulary 
- Forbade - Forbid
- Hissed - A sharp sibilant sound similar to a sustained s.
- Isolation - an act or instance of isolating.

2 Literary Terms 
- Climax - When Peter Los went to Asia to discover the Guru, He caught a deadly smallpox which cause him high fever. Which was small pox.
- Point Of View - If i was in Peter 's shoes. I would really just go commit suicide and not taking this horrible pain.

1 Overview 
- Peter Los went to Asia with his friends to find a Guru but apparently they did not find any. And when he got back, he got really sick and was taken to the hospital. And now he found that his face and his arms is bright red. Small pox

5 4 3 2 1 on The Demon In The Freezer #8
- Wow, in a few days, the virus spread out so fast.
- So basically every time he move he will get hurt.
- He have small pox inside his mouth too. Gross
- What is the nurse waiting for! Sent him to the Usamrid or fix him up.
- People say if you are 10 feet around the victim of Small pox, you might get affected too

4 Questions 
- Can they just remove his skin?
- Is he going to die of small pox?
- Would the nurse be affected when they open his room?
- Do they need gas mask to go near him?

3 Vocabulary 
- Crinkly - To form wrinkles or ripples.
- Molecule - The smallest particle of a substance that retains the chemical and physical properties of the substance and is composed of two or more atoms; a group of like or different atoms held together by chemical forces.
- Genome - a full set of chromosomes; all the inheritable traits of an organism.

2 Literary Terms 
- Climax - The major issue right now is that is Peter Los going to live or not. But by the look of him, there wasn't any hope for him left because he is burning now. 
- Resolution - The nurse finally realize it was small pox and send the professional doctors to cure him 

1 Overview 
- Now after the small pox on Peter Los is beginning to spread around. People is getting nervous and Peter is getting scared. But they send the Anti Small pox team to cure him up and they found out that he got the Ordinal small pox.

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