Monday, October 13, 2008

5-4-3-2-1 on Hole In My Life 2

5) Comments
- He is a pretty unlucky person. He spent his money on a stereo and got almost arrested for turning it back in again for an another one
- That is pretty weird falling in love with the teacher. She is the reason why he got straight A’s in history class.
- He could have join the writing club but he think the club is very less creative and more of writing. He wanted to go to class but he felt like he got the skills.
- Don’t do drugs. He knew that but he still do drugs, and that is probably his life changing point.
-He had a crush on the teacher. That is how he get a good grade in history class.

4) Questions
- So do jack want to go to the college or he don’t want to?
- What is the reason that he didn’t want to attend that school college?
- What was the reason that made Jack felt like he is a criminal?
- Why didn’t Jack told the guy who offer him weed no? Is it because of the pressure or something?

3) Vocabulary
- Seminoles: A member of American Indians that live in Florida
- Impunity: Without punishment, exemption from punishment, harm or loss
- Perfidious: Violation of faith or loyalty

2) Literary Terms
- Character: Jack is the main character because his desire is the strongest. He wanted to be a writer.
- Conflict: Jack wanted to be a writer but there wasn’t any class he could take to improve on it because either he grade is not high enough or he didn’t want to try. And he live in a motel and he cant organize his writing.

1) Overview
- Jack is trying to get a highs school diploma and that he wanted to get a college but the only college that he get in don’t provide the student with creative writing class. And Jack went to his friend house who sell him shirts, they smoke weed in the house and drink. And later on he heard speech from the guys at the jail that will never be free. And his family is having money problems.

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