Wednesday, February 11, 2009

5 4 3 2 1 on The Demon In The Freezer #10

- Sometimes, the author talk too much about other things but the important thing like Peter was unspoken in a long time which decrease my interest.
- So German people's vaccine doesn't work. That why there is so many deaths.
- YES! The reason behind the title is that the Anthrax is the Demon and they put them in the freezer.
- The nurse is infected i bet.
- All the people that is infected with Small pox is so innocent

4 Questions 
- Why do the author bother telling all the specific details?
- Why don't anyone tell the German that their vaccine doesn't work ?
- What is the point of putting another type of Virus in your body when you trying to immune your system to another type of virus?
- Why is the small pox always infect the good people?

3 Vocabulary 
- Pustule - Pathologya small elevation of the skin containing pus.
- Ampule - a sealed glass or plastic bulb containing solutions for hypodermic injection.
- Halt - to stop; cease moving, operating, etc., either permanently or temporarily

2 Literary Terms 
- Climax - Now , Barbara got infected too. She is a innocent nurse in a training section that got infected with small pox. Because he was near Peter Los.
- Foreshadowing - I think according to how thing is working out now. Later of the story. Mass people is going to be infected.

1 Overview 
- Paul Whelre came to German to cure the people. He deliver a thousand of the vaccine to the people their which cause them another infected disease which cause them sick but increase the small pox immune to the body. Which was both dangerous and safe in the same time.

5 4 3 2 1 on The Demon In The Freezer #9

- Wow Anthrax is really small if a body is a Festival , Anthrax is just a mulberry.
- Vaccine doesn't really help human not get infected by small pox.
- Cold virus is the smallest. Small as the marijuana seed.
- It is funny how the author describe the size of each disease
- Wow. Peter Los just got 21 people small pox. 

4 Questions
- How is the scientist going to invest on small pox if it is transmittable?
- If this book is about small pox, are there any cure?
- Is it possible that they'll come up with something that can burn the small pox off?
- Can one single small pox break out destroy a whole city?

3 Vocabulary 
- Ponder -to consider something deeply and thoroughly
- Inaugurated -to make a formal beginning of
- Assertive -confidently aggressive or self-assured; positive

2 Literary Terms
- Climax - The smallpox is spreading because there was 21 people visited Peter Los. 
- Resolution - The american send loads of vaccine to german and they are sending the 21 visitor to a hospital 

1 Overview 
- Peter Los spread his disease when his 21 visitor came for him. Then now he is send to some special hospital and the 21 visitors was send to a vaccine center. And they are trying to save Peter Los.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

5 4 3 2 1 on The Demon In The Freezer #7,8

- Smallpox seem so dangerous. Even though it is called small pox. But it is dangerous
- Obviously he caught some smallpox when he is in Pakistan
- So if the 2 girl on the trip left Peter Los and his friend. It is all guys on the trip.
- Even though he don't accept the religion, he should at least listen to the priest.
- He shouldn't listen to the priest at all, if the priest went in his room, he would have been affected too

4 Questions 
- Is it ok for him to smoke when he is sick?
- Did he ever become a electrician?
- What was the reason again that they went on a search for Guru?
- Is there a cure for small pox?

3 Vocabulary 
- Forbade - Forbid
- Hissed - A sharp sibilant sound similar to a sustained s.
- Isolation - an act or instance of isolating.

2 Literary Terms 
- Climax - When Peter Los went to Asia to discover the Guru, He caught a deadly smallpox which cause him high fever. Which was small pox.
- Point Of View - If i was in Peter 's shoes. I would really just go commit suicide and not taking this horrible pain.

1 Overview 
- Peter Los went to Asia with his friends to find a Guru but apparently they did not find any. And when he got back, he got really sick and was taken to the hospital. And now he found that his face and his arms is bright red. Small pox

5 4 3 2 1 on The Demon In The Freezer #8
- Wow, in a few days, the virus spread out so fast.
- So basically every time he move he will get hurt.
- He have small pox inside his mouth too. Gross
- What is the nurse waiting for! Sent him to the Usamrid or fix him up.
- People say if you are 10 feet around the victim of Small pox, you might get affected too

4 Questions 
- Can they just remove his skin?
- Is he going to die of small pox?
- Would the nurse be affected when they open his room?
- Do they need gas mask to go near him?

3 Vocabulary 
- Crinkly - To form wrinkles or ripples.
- Molecule - The smallest particle of a substance that retains the chemical and physical properties of the substance and is composed of two or more atoms; a group of like or different atoms held together by chemical forces.
- Genome - a full set of chromosomes; all the inheritable traits of an organism.

2 Literary Terms 
- Climax - The major issue right now is that is Peter Los going to live or not. But by the look of him, there wasn't any hope for him left because he is burning now. 
- Resolution - The nurse finally realize it was small pox and send the professional doctors to cure him 

1 Overview 
- Now after the small pox on Peter Los is beginning to spread around. People is getting nervous and Peter is getting scared. But they send the Anti Small pox team to cure him up and they found out that he got the Ordinal small pox.

Monday, February 9, 2009

5 4 3 2 1 on The Demon In The Freezer #6

- Wow there is actually a lot of place in the world that want to start biological attack on America.
- I'm scared now because there is still small pox in the world and people might die.
- Well isn't the letter case close already since they found out it is a terrorist letter
- I think the middle east force it with the biological weapon and threats
- I think dreaming demon mean that the demon is not awake yet but it will.

4 Questions 
- Does the title "demon" mean anthrax?
- Who is Geibert?
- What does Demon Dreaming mean?
- Why does this story keep changing character?

3 Vocabulary 
- Apprentice - a person who works for another in order to learn a trade: an apprentice to a plumber.
- Chiseled - cut, shaped, etc., with a chisel
- Commune - to converse or talk together, usually with profound intensity, intimacy, etc.; interchange thoughts or feelings.

2 Literary Terms
- Climax - They need to find the terrorist gather point and the reason behind this threaten mail. They might have to start a war for this but i think this is fictional or something.
- Personality - Geibert wears a blue jeans with a rusty boots with a plain shirt and in the winter he wear a huge jacket or a lumber shirt.

1 Overview 
- Well, they switch the Character to Geibert. He is another works at Usamrid that is investigating on the Anthrax and the small pox. He seem like a cool guy that wear the same thing from times to times.  They are still searching for the other source of the anthrax that is spreadable around where Steven got affected. 

Sunday, February 8, 2009

5 4 3 2 1 on The Demon In The Freezer #5

- Peter Jarhling ‘s Office look pretty sick, advance and a lot of interesting things.
- That sucks, he could work on something else but he have to do  research about Smallpox
- Smallpox killed a lot of Indians and native American when the Europeans arrived in United States in the early 1400
- Wow! Smallpox killed over a billion of people.
- Wow they are being really over protective about the codes and stuff.

4 Questions 
- What is a virus weapon? Do they spread virus and disease around ? 
- Why is smallpox the most dangerous disease in the world history?
- What is Black death in the middle age?
- What does smallpox actually do?

3 Vocabulary 
- Memorabilia : Mementos , Souvenirs
- Virology : A study about virus and disease and how they spread around.
- Biocontainment : a containment that is filled with Biology items

2 Literary Terms 
- Climax - The spread of smallpox, Peter Jarhling trying to stop the smallpox but it is generally the most dangerous disease of all time.
- Resolution - The scientist found cures for smallpox. Which is a good news cause people can stop dying.

1 Overview 
- Peter Jarhling have to work on a research about smallpox for the government which is extremely important because loads of people die because smallpox. Over 1 billion people die in a short 100 years history.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

5 4 3 2 1 on The Demon In The Freezer #4

- White house suppose to be fill with intelligent members of FBI, they are not even able to find out that the weapon is Anthrax.
- There is way too much Company and Building with so much initials that i will not able to remember.
- Usamrid is a company, where exactly is it located now?
- This book is so confusing, Lassa 1, lassa 2 . What is that!
- I would just call the powder anthrax that is transmittable .

4  Questions
- Why don't the FBI just pay the Usamrid a visited?
- Why is this author using so many names to confuse the reader?
- Is anthrax really a dangerous weapon?
- If Usamrid exists, where is it?

3 Vocabulary
- Weaponized - To supply with weapons or deploy weapons in
- Heaps - A group of things placed or thrown, one on top of the other
- Virology - the science dealing with the study of viruses and the diseases caused by them.

2 Literary Terms
- Climax - The FBI is getting nervous over this "weapon" which is transmittable anthrax and it is very dangerous. But the work at usamrid is trying to find a solution and a way to tell the FBI what the weapon is call
- Point of View - The FBI is getting nervous over this biological weapon but Steven have to find a good way to tell them what weapon it is. But it seem like that he can't a good way to tell them

1 Overall
- The FBI is getting in this case of Anthrax and the white house is feeling that there is some biological attack from the terrorist. Which is true because the middle east sent the america an anthrax envolope filled with powder of spores of anthrax which is extremely deadly

Sunday, February 1, 2009

5 4 3 2 1 on The Demon In The Freezer #3

- FBI is getting in this case of Anthrax , wow Anthrax seem very dangerous.
- I hope I don't get anything close to Anthrax because it seem like it is infect-able and i do not want to let the one's close to me to get the same thing.
- The lady who open he envelope should be infected too since spores is infect-able .
- if this is documentary, isn't this a biography book? or a history book?
- This is like so specify on everything . Like they will tell you where they went, what street they turn to.

4 Question 
- Did the lady who open the box got the disease too?
- Why don't they just throw or burn the spores up so no one will get that disease anymore?
- does Usamrid really exist or it is just made up?
- Is this a terrorist threat?

3 Vocabulary 
- Biohazard - a pathogen, esp. one used in or produced by biological research.
- Immunized - to make immune.
- Particles - A very small piece or part; a tiny portion or speck.

2 Literary Terms
- Climax - Dave just found out the Anthrax is from the terrorist and the particles in the spore can fly around which is extremely dangerous.
- Characterization - Ezelle is such a weird person, He is probably those really smart geeky scientist that do really interesting discovery.

1 Overall 
The CDC found out the anthrax discover point which was at Washington and it is in some mail which kill Steven, Then now the FBI deliver the package to Usamrid which is some anti biological attack from terrorist and he discover it was a threat from some middle east country.