Sunday, October 26, 2008

Jack Gantos Hole In My Life 9-10#

 - He should do something about the old councils because he going have the longest time in jail if he don't.
 - Jack's friend Lucas got a bad thing happened to him. I wanted to throw up but i feel bad for her.
 - I think he is kind of making stuff up because you wouldn't be so lucky if you go to jail and you get a job and stay away from the people.
 - Jack is working for the doctor. But the doctor seem like not helping or being good to him.
 - Jack should start confessing to the councils and tell him what is happening  and where the money is at.
4 Questions
 - So how long do he have to stay in Jail?
 - Why didn't Jack help his friend Lucas out a little bit?
 - Since Jack is working in X-Ray , do he get pay in any ways?
 - Why is that guy who work in jail that ask and chat with the prisoner so bad?
3 Vocabulary 
 - Council - An assembly of persons called together for consultation, deliberation, or discussion.
 - Hustled - Engage in same times illegal 
 - Snitch - a person who told on someone else.
2 Literary Terms 
 - Antagonist - Newman the lawyer is the antagonist of the story because he is trying to get Jack into jail for the longer time.
 - Protagonist - Jack is the protagonist of the story because this is a book that it talk about it self so he is the protagonist.
1 Overall
 Jack found out that the doctor the person who talk to him and everyone wrote bad stuff about him so he got really angry at them but he didn't fight back though. But he still work with the doctor. And he try to lie to the council so that he could get out of jail. But since he isn't looking any close to be forgiven.

 - The new guy who worked there save Jack's life. 
 - If Jack thought about College at first he probably wouldn't be end up in jail and all the bad stuff.
 - This is end of the book and that guy who own him money didn't even pay him back/
 - Jack is free at last, i was surprise that he got into college. Because he go to jail and stuff.
 - Why couldn't the last guy who worked there help Jack out like how the new guy helped Jack.
4 Questions 
 - What is Jack going to do now after he got off jail?
 - Is Jack going to do bad thing again or he going to quit and start writing books?
 - Why is the new guy so nice to Jack?Maybe he can find out that they are related.
 - Why do Jack still seem like he isn't changing yet?
3 Vocabulary 
 - Deliberation - careful consideration before decision.
 - Capable - having power and ability 
 - Repetition - repeating action, the act of repeating action.
2 Literary Terms
 - Conclusion - well jack is getting out of jail and he is going to college now.
 - Foreshadowing - At the beginning of the story, he found out that his dad know alot of criminal and at the end he got into jail.
1 Overall
 - The new person who is transfer to the Jail bought some books and help Jack mail his letter for his college. And now he got into college and he have lesser jail time then before so now he his life is getting better then before so that is a good thing and he got out of jail. And he going to have a good life.
 - If i was his dad, i would convince him to go to Canada but then he can't be a convict for life .
 - His dad is actually acting pretty normal, because if i was his dad i would almost kill him.
 - Dude, 20 years of jail time! Wow, i would never smuggle drugs, not in my life.
 - Wow he went back to Davy's court after he ran away, but honestly he should consider his parent too because he is not the only one that they going to search on.
 - Nasty, he fix his face by squeezing the blood and the pus. Wow.
4 Questions
 - Would he look suspicious or more guilty if he show up in court with his messed up face?
 - Why is he still using the drug money? If he is smart enough , he should stop using them
 - Is Jack really that dumb? he is getting arrested and he is still wondering around the town.
 - Is Hamilton bad or something? Why did he snitch out on Jack?
3 Vocabulary  
 - Conspiracy -the act of conspiring.
 - Blemishes -To mar or impair by a flaw
 - Numbly - deprived of physical sensation or the ability to move: fingers numb with cold.
2 Literary Terms 
 -Chronological- When the officer Newman told Jack about what did he do that got him arrested. He told the events in chronological way.
 -Direct Characterization- Jack describe that his face is messed up which in direct characterization.
1 Overall
 - Jack went back to Davy court and he receive a call from his dad that he was told that there house is search by FBI and that his dad suggest that he should just go confess to the police about what he did so that he could get less jail time which is true and he went to the lawyer which name the CEO of Mad Magazine. And he was told in few week he need to go to court and receive  his jail time.

 - He got scare in the court, he shouldn't get scared because all these lawyer want to get him in trouble more.
 - Wow, i would cry really if i know i have to go to jail for 20 years.
 - His dad and his mom must be really sad because what happen and the time he have to do.
 - I don't know why did he not talk when the judge is talking to him.
 - He should have told the judge that he was innocent so he could less jail time.
4 Questions
 - Why did the judge ask question to Jack so harshly? Can't it just give me some time and respect?
 - What is wrong with his lawyer? He isn't even helping Jack out?
 - Why didn't Jack just explain to everyone that he is innocent?
 - Couldn't Judge give him like child jail time or something? 
 - Poignant : sharply painful feeling, a shock feeling that cause pain.
 - Dreaded : fear, scary feeling. 
 - craze : going insane, crazy 
2 Literary Terms
 - Indirect Characterization: they describe the judge as like really mean by the way he talks. That cause me to think he is mean.
 - Climax : Jack is going to jail. Wow that really sucks.
1 Overview
 - When Jack went to jail, he got served by Judge because that Jack is really scare and he isn't talking much. So the judge just felt like his is guilty so gave him some times and he told Jack that his jail time is depending on his behavior. And when he is going to jail he saw his dad and he felt ashamed. He went to the jail and saw a lot of people that is arrested cause many things.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

5- Comments 
 -Snitch is the key word of criminal, I think someone snitch or Jack snitch on someone. That's is probably why Jack went to jail.
 -When Hamilton told Jack that he is scare not because of the getting caught, he is scare because of the punishment. I think the punishment going to be the jail.
 -I think there is actually some people following them when he said someone is watching them.
 -The people he is working seem cold, they didn't even care when he disappear in the the morning.
 -Is all british all so careless and wrecked.
 -Why didn't Jack at least try to find who is stalking on them when he felt like somebody?
 -Did those people who search the boat found the drugs?
 -Is those people who is stalking them like FBI or Police?
 -Crazy question: Is the buyer try to set Jack up so they can hit the Jail?
3 Vocabulary 
 -Staggered- To move unsteadily
 -Veered- To turn aside from a course, direction, or purpose
 -Viciously addicted to or characterized by vice; grossly immoral; depraved
2 Literary Terms
 -Indirect Characterization- When Hamilton from Jack that he thought someone is stalking on them and he said no there isn't which mean that he is reckless.
 -Climax- THe problem right now is that Jack is going to get punish and go to Jail but we don't know what he did yet.
1 Overview
 - Jack and Hamilton found the port and they landed but same time Jack felt like someone behind is watching them he. So when he got off and when to his buyer's place, they sold the drugs in the morning and they left to finish there sales. Which Jack is involved in it .

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hole In My Life By Jack Gantos #5

Hole In My Life By Jack Gantos
 - Instead of doing drugs and smuggling drugs for the British dude, Jack should start writing and be an author because his passion for writing. He was so into it.
 - Hamilton told Jack to not leave any evidence behind , but then Jack are writing his stupid diary. He probably going to get caught off that.
 - Nice, Jack start marking down dates and what he do on each day.
 - Well, I  could tell that Jack is bored out his mind now because he have no one there to talk to and Hamilton is a bad person to talk to.
 - It was so disgusting when they were talking about where they take a shit. I almost threw up.
4 Questions
 - What would Hamilton do if he shot Jack when he got up?
 - Why is the trip so long?  It is just traveling through to states.
 - Why did they call the thing they take a dump there a crapper. Wouldn’t toilet work out just fine?
 - Did Jack try to climb down with no hands or what? I didn’t get the words.
3 Vocaburly 
 - Crapper - A toilet, a bathroom
 - Marina - A boat basin offering dockage and other service.
 - Bullhorn - a directional loud speaker, megaphone.
2 Literary Terms
 - Chronological - This special chapter was in order. And the reason I know that because the author Jack Gantos wrote the story which date on it. 
 - Direct Characterization - When  Jack swim up the boat, Hamilton got really scared and start shooting, then he told Jack that he was scared. It shows that Hamilton get scare easily.
1 Overview
 - Well Jack is on the boat sailing to New York and he found a diary and he began to write journals as his journey on the boat began. So he saw Hamilton acting strangely and he don’t like Hamilton at all. One day they don’t have any more fuel left much and they have to ask the other boats for the fuel. So he ask the Japanese ship and they gave them some sake and Jack almost die from bringing the drink back.

Hole In My Life By Jack Gantos #4

Hole In My Life By Jack Gantos
 - I never thought a visit to the library can be so racial and so rude. I wouldn’t go to a library as often as I do and I barely do.
 - There is no books and no one is bother changing that fact, and every time when jack ask what happen the books the people who work there try to annoy him.
 - Wow, in the place he live, you have to shoot a white person in the lower hip to be down with black people. 
 - He did exactly what the black people told him, go to a white bar and drink a white cold beer. How stupid is he. 
 - So now he taking  “ hash “ for money but not “bread”. There is a lot of street word here.
4 Questions
 - Did Rik got Jack into jail or some other events?
 - Why did the story change into the life of Jack in Jail? 
 - Why didn’t police arrest them or even search the boat with a lot of harsh on it? Is police just that dumb?
 - I heard Jack need a lot of money, Why did he smoke his hash  instead of selling it? 
3 Vocabulary
 - sanitarium- an institution  for the preservation for health
 - dinghy-  any small boat design that is for life boat or tenders.
 -staggered-  moving unsteadily. 
2 literary terms 
 - Direct Characterizations- When the blacks at the library were talking to Jack. Even though Jack didn’t state that they were mean but in there speech we could tell they are some rude people
 - Climax - The main problem right now for Jack is that we might get arrested for smuggling drugs. He had to because he needed the money.
1 Overview
 - When Rik called Jack and told him that he have a serious business with him and he might earn like 10,000 dollars if they sold the Hash. And Jack met this new guy name Hamilton and he is from British, so they are meet up and ask Jack if he want to be in and Jack didn’t even care because money is all he need so he didn’t even bother to think about it and accept his deal. And when he got home he pack his stuff and said good bye to his parent and he is off the island.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hole In My Life By Jack Gantos #3

Hole in my life by Jack Gantos

- Jack wanted to go back to where his dad work and try to help his dad out and earn a living like that and plan to not go to school yet until he get enough money
- He mentions a lot of speech and writing lines by author I had never heard of. Which is cool because then I learn new things.
- I realize that when he said his dad is going to count on him for him to come back and help him out that Jack going to mess up somehow.
- Well this is the first book I ever read that the author tell you that they do drugs and even tell you how is it like.
- This is when his life changes around, because he got into drugs and wanting to make a living out the drugs profit.
4 Questions
- Since Jack didn’t go back yet because his friend is here, did his father get upset?
- Is Jack’s friend Tim lying to Jack when he told him he got caught or he just wanted to profit his own self?
- Did Jack get in to doing drugs and stuff that got him into jail?
- What is jack going to do about this event? He lost half of his money and he need to go home.
3 Vocabularies
- Refinery- an establishment for refining something, as metal, sugar, or petroleum.
- Pharmaceuticals - Of or relating to pharmacy or pharmacists.
- Intercostals - A space, muscle, or part situated between the ribs.
2 literary terms
- Metaphor- When he mentions the speech he read; he mentions there was a pearl in everyone’s life. And he wants his pearl. That is a metaphor because he doesn’t really want a pearl, he wanted a good life.
- Indirect Characterizations – When he was talking on the phone with his friend Tim who lost his money, he said:” I didn’t listen much after that.” Well obviously we can tell that he is piss off.
1 Overviews
Jack told his dad that he was coming home to help him out and his dad was sight about that but then his friend that is smart came and wanted to stay over at Jack’s house for few days. Then he told Jack to go to college and them going to sell drugs to get enough money. But Tim ditch Jack off and lost his money and now Jack is broke. He went back to where his dad work after that.

Monday, October 13, 2008

5-4-3-2-1 on Hole In My Life 2

5) Comments
- He is a pretty unlucky person. He spent his money on a stereo and got almost arrested for turning it back in again for an another one
- That is pretty weird falling in love with the teacher. She is the reason why he got straight A’s in history class.
- He could have join the writing club but he think the club is very less creative and more of writing. He wanted to go to class but he felt like he got the skills.
- Don’t do drugs. He knew that but he still do drugs, and that is probably his life changing point.
-He had a crush on the teacher. That is how he get a good grade in history class.

4) Questions
- So do jack want to go to the college or he don’t want to?
- What is the reason that he didn’t want to attend that school college?
- What was the reason that made Jack felt like he is a criminal?
- Why didn’t Jack told the guy who offer him weed no? Is it because of the pressure or something?

3) Vocabulary
- Seminoles: A member of American Indians that live in Florida
- Impunity: Without punishment, exemption from punishment, harm or loss
- Perfidious: Violation of faith or loyalty

2) Literary Terms
- Character: Jack is the main character because his desire is the strongest. He wanted to be a writer.
- Conflict: Jack wanted to be a writer but there wasn’t any class he could take to improve on it because either he grade is not high enough or he didn’t want to try. And he live in a motel and he cant organize his writing.

1) Overview
- Jack is trying to get a highs school diploma and that he wanted to get a college but the only college that he get in don’t provide the student with creative writing class. And Jack went to his friend house who sell him shirts, they smoke weed in the house and drink. And later on he heard speech from the guys at the jail that will never be free. And his family is having money problems.

5-4-3-2-1 on Hole In My Life

5) Comments
- Jack is very talented and has a huge passion for reading. But I don’t really get why he isn’t doing so well in school
- Unlike other stories. Jack started his book telling everyone the result and the future of him, then start talking about the past.
- In the car alone when he got kicked out of the Mr. Bacon family. That is probably the change of his life because he thought of the things he been doing wrong and the things about Mr. Bacon’s family.
- Jack is probably regretting when he enter the run down motel room. And he probably regret about the choice he made that got him kick out of the family.
- Jack read a lot of book. He talk about at least 3 books already.
- When Jack said that he is going to get better because that is how the family runs, I don’t think he will get better with his life

4) Question
- Why didn’t Jack just stay working with his dad since he got mess up badly already?
- If Jack is so hard working by writing all those journals. Why didn’t he get a good grade in school?
- Since Jack’s father knows so many criminals is his father a criminal before too?
- What did Jack do end him up in jail in the first few pages?

3) Vocabulary
- Churning: to make by stirring. Stirring.
- Morgue: a place where the bodies of dead person are kept until released for burial.
- Acquaintance: Person’s knowledge

2) Literary Terms
- Chronological: The Beginning of the story where Jack found himself in the jail was the future and then he came back to the beginning where he was attending high school.
- Direct Characterization: When he got kick out of the Bacon family. He was describing the family seem to be loveless, miserable.

1) Overview
At the beginning, Jack was behind bars then the story swift to when he was young, and his dad use to tell him all the criminal he know everywhere they go, then the time swift to when Jack is attending senior years when he left Dominican republic because he wanted to get a diploma for high school. And he lived in Bacon’s family house until he got drunk and mess up the house. He got kicked out of the house and force to live on his own.